Mobile home loans...Solution for your dream home:
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Are you renting for a long time and thinking that you can't afford a home loan? When you are renting, your are just spending the money and giving it away to the landlord. But if you are buying a home then you are actually investing the money and can use it when it is needed the most. So I think an affordable mobile home loan is the solution for you.
You can get a mobile home loan as a personal property loan. But there are some requirements to qualify for the mobile home loan, like your credit score should be above 680, your mobile home should have a permanent foundation, you should make at least 10 percent down payments etc. BTW the interest on mobile home loan is tax detectable. So you can get the tax benefits too. So what are you waiting for... if you are still renting a home, then simply go for a mobile home loan