Beneficiaries Of Affiliate Marketing

Friday, July 31, 2009

The concept of revenue sharing, used by Affiliate Marketing isn't new to people. This concept predates Affiliate Marketing and Internet. Even today revenue sharing concept is followed by people to sell their properties or other valuables. The Broker or the middleman gets a share from the property, if he gets him a promising customer.

Inspite of couple of glitches like usage of spams, false advertising, forced clicks and other methods to drive traffic to the sponsors, Affiliate Marketing has come a long way since its commencement. It has also been tagged as sporadic, since it can be relied upon as stable source of income.

Inspite of such issues, the point is that the merchants just love Affiliates and Affiliate Marketing. And it's going to stay for long because of its rewarding nature for, everyone associated with it.

Let's see the Beneficiaries associated with Affiliate Marketing and how they are benefited:

1) The Business/ Merchants --> The obvious benefits of Affiliate Marketing are that merchants a wider environment generating more products and services signifying more sales. No additional time is spent in marketing with merchants and they can obtain customers this way too.

2) The Affiliates --> This group has been highly rewarded from the concept called Affiliate Marketing. It has enabled them to work for themselves and yet earn more than a regular job. Some affiliates have even created multi million dollar companies - these are the guys who run comparison sites, the cash back and coupon sites, etc.

3) The Customers --> Most of the customers don't know about internet Affiliate marketing and if they know also, they are the most benefited group. It's because of Affiliate Marketing that the customers enjoy comparison shopping, discount coupon and cash backs. It's affiliates, who bring these wonderful goodies to the prospective customers.

4) The Web --> This group of giants like Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL and now the hugely popular Web 2.0, enjoy bulk of Web share among themselves. If done correctly, knowing customer needs and desires, can create a knowing of market trends which can help future sales in the sense that the website knows how to market products or services more effectively next time. Banners generate interest and doesn't need any kind of big capital to market and advertise certain products.
It can be irritating and complicated start but with little perseverance and luck, one can become successful Affiliate Marketer.

Do share your comments on my blog post? What are your views on Affiliate Marketing?


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