Friday, April 2, 2010

In this tough economic time people are always seeking for sound investment opportunities. Real estate investment has become the most popular way for people to make more money. Owning an apartment of multifamily housing will lead to enormous wealth, but such investments require a lot of time, knowledge and capital initially.

First let us know what multifamily apartment property means is. Usually a rental property which has more than one family unit is considered multifamily property. There can be ranges from 2 units to a larger units consisting of hundreds of apartments. The main advantage of availing multifamily apartment loans are that it provides real estate investors with the ability to support debt from the income the property produces. The success or failure of the real estate investment always depend on the income the property generates as the idea ‘using other people’s money’ is crucial to buying any multifamily properties. Multifamily apartment loans are often offered on two different levels – first requires a minimum loan of 500,000 USD which is a smaller unit; and the second one requires a minimum loan of over 3,000,000 USD and is a much larger unit used for financing large multifamily apartment complexes. Lenders will provide financing only apartments with good conditions with little deferred maintenance. But if the building is in poor condition, you have to pay a much higher down payment for the loan. While applying multifamily apartment loans, clear up the lenders with the cash flow and also about the operating expenses and income to avail fairer apartment deals from the lenders’ end. It is wise to make a rental market survey and carefully estimate the rents and the vacancy rates. The most favorable time to go for the property is when the vacancy rates decrease.

The most common advantage in buying any multifamily apartment is that you can grow your wealth in the long run. You can just simply outsource your property management to professionals and go for a vacation. There will be a regular cash flow as the rents come in from the various tenants occupying the apartments. Most people who are unable to afford real estate often seek shelters in multifamily apartment properties as they only serve the basic needs of the common people. This clears the downside risk of the investors to a much greater extent. The disadvantage lies in the dealing with the tenants. To minimize such disadvantages, the investors prefer for professional property managements. All the concerns with the tenants are dealt with the management while you just simply enjoy the cash flow from your multifamily property.

Multifamily apartment investing can create a financial freedom for you. But it is in a constant state of change. This ensures that you should have a thorough knowledge and awareness before going for multifamily apartment loans. It gives the desire of investments with low risk and high returns.


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