How to avoid Debts
Saturday, September 11, 2010

In this article, there are some points which I have discussed to avoid debts.You should make a strategy that how you will pay all your debts. The main important point is that you should know what debt to pay first. You should know the interest rates and the lowest payment that you have to pay for each debt after that you need to pay bigger amount to those massive debts that give more interest rates so that it will not become huge.Always you should keep in your mind that you need to pay your dues regularly to avoid the accumulation of debts. If you won't pay regularly then your debt will get increase in overtime and many credit institution charge higher interest rates.You should always limit yourself in using credit cards. There are many financial institutions but do not get many cards from different financial institutions. These different financial institutions will offers you different proposal of cards but you should avoid them.
You should always keep in your mind that how much you can afford and on the basis of that make your budget accordingly. There are many people who are in debts because they bought the things which were beyond their budget. The best way is buy things only when you have cash at hand.
All these above points will definitely help you to avoid debts. If you will keep in your mind all these points then you won't be in debt.
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