I found a Money in an Unexpected Place

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Last night when I was cleaning my book shelf, in one of my books I found $50 cash lying in between the pages. I was so happy to see them. Obviously it was an unexpected place for me and I had no clue how it came inside the book. I do not even remember if I have ever kept any amount of money inside a book.

It came as a surprise to me. I immediately went to my husband and told him about the incident. He was not able to hold back his laughing. The best part is I have never lost even a penny in my entire lifetime and this $50 inside the book came as a surprise to me. So where did this $50 came from?

Here are few theories which might have just taken place : It is just an assumption.

1.) Might be it was a return of cash that the shopkeeper gave it to me and in a hurry i kept it inside the book.

2.) Maybe I have kept it as a page mark.

3.) I am born lucky. So luck always favors me.

4.) Nothing but a MAGIC!!

Honestly speaking I have no clue from where that money came, but it got me thinking whole night from where it came. My wife came to me and told me it was nothing but a money that I found in an unexpected place.

Does these type of things has happened with you? Do share your experiences with us.


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The Blog Finance Zenith is a premier source of news, information, tips, and commentary on personal finances problems and its solutions worldwide. It has often been cited by both the mainstream media and bloggers as a reliable source of facts, figures, opinion and trends about personal finances.

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